
with it’s eye catching design and clean lines en-trance brings a contemporary perspective to your rooms.

coordinating tops and designer hardware create a look that is comforting and practical. we manufacture a variety of standard running line items and create custom pieces to help you build your guest rooms.

en-trance is offered in 12 standard and 15 additional custom finishes which will surely enhance the look of your guest rooms.

twin – full – queen – king
various heights to choose from

18 x 16 x 24 / 24 x 16 x 24

micro fridge 2, 3 or 4 drawer
48/54 x 22 x 43

media panels
26/48 x 2 x 42/48

30 x 1 x 42/62

3 drawer chest
30 x 22 x 30

42/48 x 24 x 30

luggage bench
24/30/36 x 22 x 26